• Svitlana Borysivna Kuzikova
  • Tetiana Ivanivna Shcherbak
Keywords: decentralization, egocentrism, adolescence, empathy, reflection


Purpose of the article is to carry out a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of decentralization, to describe its determinants of development at different age stages of the life path of the individual; to analyze the results of an experimental study of psychological peculiarities of decentralization of juvenile age persons.

Methods. Psychodiagnostic method (tests) has been used from the group of empirical methods; qualitative and quantitative analysis of obtained results, methods of computer processing of experimental data have been used from the group of methods of analysis (processing) of data. The methodical tools were: “Diagnostics of the level of empathy” (I. Yusupov), “Types of behavior in conflict” (K. Thomas), “Egocentric Associations” (T. Stsutrova). The study has been attended by 80 respondents, 40 of them male and 40 female. Age of studied is 18–21 years.

Results. Theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of decentralization in the context of psychology has been presented; its features from the point of view of various scientific interpretations have been highlighted. A view on the concept of decentralization as a mechanism for overcoming egocentrism has been outlined. The following components of the phenomenon such as empathy, identification and reflection have been analyzed.

The main determinants of the development of decentralization at different age stages of the person’s life path have been described in the paper. Particular attention has been paid to the development of decentralization as a personal quality in adolescence. The results of the empirical study of the peculiarities of this phenomenon in juvenile persons have been analyzed.

Conclusions. As a result of the study an empirical analysis of the psychological peculiarities of decentralization in juvenile persons has been carried out. Levels of respondents’ empathy, the level of egocentrism and preferences of behavior in conflict have been researched. It has been established that the majority of representatives of youth are characterized by an average level of decentralization attributed to respondents, ready to look at themselves from one side and integrate different points of view. It has been revealed that the process of decentralization is uneven. Practical recommendations for raising the level of decentralization in the youth have been developed according to the results of the study.


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