• I.A. Vlasenko
  • V.A. Fokina
Keywords: cinema therapy, skills, successful communication, students


The theoretical analysis of the concept, essence and features of cinema therapy as a psychological practice is carried out in this article. It is shown that cinema therapy is a group method concentrated at people who are mentally healthy and directed to personal growth, deep understanding of life and who want to improve their personal relations. Cinema therapy is aimed to develop critical thinking mechanisms, the ability to analyze and adhere to the rules of conducting the discussion. Its application promotes awareness the possibilities of personal self-realization, observational learning, assimilation of certain models, in particular models of communicative interaction. The background of successful communication is also described.

There are presented the results of questionnaire for detecting the level of social skills in students (n=65) of three universities. Its analysis shows that students have an average level of social skills that prevails. The majority of respondents have a need to increase the level of such skills (the ability to quickly establish contact with strangers and ability of public speaking). The program of cinema therapy was prepared in order to create conditions for training skills of personality successful communication. The program is based at ideas concerning the social skills training by cinema therapy practicing as well as ideas regarding effective communication and the principles of training practice. The program structure includes seven sessions aimed at the self-examination, training the ability to establish contacts and public speaking, psychological competence of students. There are described the considerations to choose films for cinema therapy sessions. The main characters should be corresponding to participants of training by age, a film should be diverse and constructive ways of solving persistent problems should be shown. The participants need to analyze their feelings, thoughts, ideas connecting main characters, their behavior, motivation etc. Further research perspectives include expanding the content of the presented program and analyzing the effectiveness of its implementation in various types of institutions.


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