Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series «Psychological Sciences» uk-UA (Kherson State University) (Kherson State University) Fri, 01 Nov 2024 06:15:43 +0000 OJS 60 ART-THERAPEUTIC MEANS OF STUDENTS’ INTERNAL RESOURCES RESTORATION IN WARTIME CONDITIONS <p>Purpose of the article consists in selection and adaptation of art-therapeutic methods for activating students’internal resources restoration as a health-preserving factor in wartime conditions. Methods. The method fordetermining coping strategies of an individual (S. Lazarus), art-therapeutic methods using art (discussionof personal stories), drawings “Bridge”, method “Rope”, “Self-presentation”, story-role game with elementsof psychodrama that are reproduced in the form of true-to-life improvised situations that excite students.Results. It was determined that introduction of art-therapeutic methods into the educational process of trainingfuture social workers in wartime conditions has certain complications: updating one’s own needs, changing established strategies of psychological protection (coping strategies as internal resources). While usingart-therapeutic tools, students’ emotional states are stabilized, as well as ability to manage internal resources(as tools for organizing emotional states in tense and complicated situations of war) occur, as well as personaladjustment for emotional competence development. The most significant indicators of students’ coping strategieswere obtained in the following categories: problem solution planning; seeking social support and positiveevaluation. Such coping strategies are typical for medium and low levels of internal resourcefulness in modernconditions of training during wartime (threat of bombing, interruption of training due to loss of communication,electricity, etc.). Conclusions. It was found that using symbols, which means that a person may not be awareof, art-therapeutic tools help to transfer internal conflict into a conscious one. Playing problems in such a formas an individual himself wants and fantasizes, makes it possible to find its alternative solution. It is importantfor future social workers to be able to use art-therapeutic means for one’s own needs revealing and actualizingpersonal experiences for professional training while working with wards in wartime conditions.</p> Nataliia Dmytrivna Volodarska Copyright (c) Fri, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 WAR AS AN OBJECT OF SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCHES: METHODOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE <p>The article discusses the methodological problems of social and psychological rehearses that has examinedof modern societies during armed conflicts and other situations of violence. For all the variety of theoreticaland methodological approaches, there is still no consensus in the scientific community regarding the determinationof the essential characteristics that generate various threats to external and internal validity. According tothe above, the main goal of the article is to identify the characteristics that generate various threats to externaland internal validity and to estimate magnitude of the problem. Research methods. Methods of theoreticalanalysis, synthesis, generalization, which allowed to identify some factors which influence «the methodologicalpurity» of the study, cause threats to the procedures of obtaining and processing qualitative empirical data, violate the completeness and adequacy of their interpretation, damage the correctness of generalizationsand extrapolations. Results. The author shows that ethical requirements affect both communication betweenthe researcher and the respondent and the observance of confidentiality, but also affect the completenessof the obtained data, as well as the reliability and validity of the measurements. The politicization of all spheresof life, being specific version of the threat of internal validity , leads to the emergence of a special form of socialdesirability, namely: political desirability. During the war political desirability operates as psychologicaldefence mechanism that can be used for saving life or freedom. The image of society, which is embedded inthe idea of research, turns out to be a determining factor in the legitimacy of generalizations and extrapolations.It happens because the war changes fundamentally both the formal and informal structures of society, setsa new hierarchy of its identities, creates new lines of splits and coalescence of the social fabric of society.The author also researches the relevance of the “pre-war” society image and the hierarchy of its identitiesin relation to the tasks facing the researcher in wartime conditions. Conclusion. The author claims that changesin research process may be related to the increase in the intensity (or other specificity) of social processes.It requires a completely different methodology, as it makes it impossible to comply with all the requirementsand specifics of the social sciences research. And this will be true for both quantitative and qualitative research,since the subject for both will be the dangerous experience of war, which originates from a fragile subjectivityand radically changes the status of bias in the researched plane. This statement is true for both quantitativeand qualitative research where the researcher's attention is focused on the dangerous experience of war.This experience originates from unstable subjectivity and radically changes the status of subjective bias.</p> Olga Mykolaivna Kochubeinyk Copyright (c) Fri, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EMOTIONAL BURNOUT AS AN INDICATOR OF PROFESSIONAL MISADAPTATION OF TEACHERS OF THE SPECIAL EDUCATION SYSTEM <p>Purpose. In the conditions of the reform of the education system in Ukraine, the stated topic acquires special significance and relevance. We consider emotional burnout to be one of the most widespread and dangerous consequences of the negative impact of the profession on the individual, which determined the purpose of our work – to investigate the features of emotional burnout as an indicator of professional maladjustment among teachers of the special education system. Methods. To solve the research problem, reliable and valid psychodiagnostic methods were used – “Diagnostics of emotional burnout” by V.V. Boyka and the questionnaire for assessing the level of psychophysiological professional maladjustment O.M. Rodinoi, adapted by M.A. Dmitrieva. Collection of empirical data was carried out both in groups and individually, in compliance with all ethical requirements. Results. It was found that the signs of emotional burnout were widespread in the studied group – 88.8% of respondents. It was determined that the dominant phase of emotional burnout in this pedagogical environment is resistance, the degree of expression of which in 59.2% of respondents corresponds to the “level of finished formation” and in 40.8% to the “level of progressing formation”. The most common symptoms of emotional burnout among teachers of the special education system were established: the symptom of “experiencing psychotraumatic circumstances” in the tension phase; according to the phase of resistance “inadequate emotional selective response”, “expansion of the sphere of saving emotions”, “reduction of professional duties”; according to the exhaustion phase, “psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders”. The symptom indicating dissatisfaction with oneself according to the stress phase was the least represented in this category of subjects. Based on the data of the correlation analysis and the conjugation table, the specifics of the relationship between indicators of emotional burnout and indicators of psychophysiological professional maladjustment among teachers of special schools for children with intellectual disabilities were determined. Conclusions. Based on the results of the psychodiagnostic study, the features of emotional burnout in the studied pedagogical environment were determined. The destructive nature of emotional burnout as a syndrome of professional stress has been proven. The psychophysiological aspect of professional maladjustment of special school teachers was analyzed and its specificity was determined. Based on the analysis of statistically significant relationships between the studied categories, the legality of considering emotional burnout as an indicator of professional maladjustment of a special education teacher has been proven. It is possible to create psychological prognosis regarding the emergence and development of professional maladjustment of this category of teachers based on the analysis of their emotional burnout, which is definitely the value of this work.</p> Alona Oleksandrivna Pohribna, Anait Eduardivna Meloian Copyright (c) Fri, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THEORETICAL ANAYSIS (MODEL OF COMPONENTS) OF SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO THE PROBLEM OF PERSONALITY SELF-ACTUALIZATION <p>Purpose. The purpose of the article is to create a theoretical model of self-actualization of personalitybased on the content analysis of scientific concepts that study and research the problem of self-actualizationof personality in psychological science. Methods. The main research methods used to create a theoreticalmodel of scientific views on self-actualization of personality are theoretical analysis, synthesis, generalization,comparison, systematization, content analysis. Results. According to the results of a retrospective analysisof the problem of self-actualization of the individual, among the classical psychological approaches, the conceptof self-actualization is of particular importance in the studies of the humanistic approach. In these psychologicalconcepts, the source of self-actualization is determined by the activity of the motivational and volitional component, the actual needs, interests and values of the individual. It can be argued that the problem of selfactualizationof the individual in the Ukrainian psychological school today is covered more broadly, takinginto account the challenges of modern life. It has been found that self-actualization of the individual hasa significant impact on the professional sphere of activity, as it determines the formation of professionalmotivation, promotes goal setting and professional development, and the formation of self- and professionalidentity. Moreover, according to modern concepts, personal potential can be realized not only in the privateand professional spheres, but also be manifested in creativity, social interaction, self-development and selfimprovement.Self-actualization of a personality also serves as an element of counteracting stressful factorsaffecting a personality, acting as an essential psychological basis for the formation of emotional stability.Conclusions. Self-actualization of personality is a multicomponent phenomenon that encompasses the propertiesof the psychological nature of personality, its psychophysiological and psychosocial determinants. It has beenfound that the effectiveness and ability of a person to successfully realize his or her own potential are determinedby the ontogenetic features and experience of the personality, its motivational, affective and value components,etc. An integrative study of the main psychological concepts of self-actualization of the individual allows fora retrospective look at the emergence of self-actualization of the individual as an actual psychological problem,and thus, further expand its content in the present.</p> Anastasiia Serhiivna Zadorozhna Copyright (c) Fri, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LUXURY PURCHASE MOTIVATION AMONG YOUTH WITH LIMITED BUYING POWER <p>Purpose. The article focuses on analyzing the psychological mechanisms that prompt young people to impulsively purchase luxury items despite financial constraints. Based on a theoretical analysis of contemporary Western sources on the issue, the authors synthesize social, cultural, and personal factors influencing such decisions. Methods. The analysis is based on a theoretical review of the literature, specifically on theoretical analysis and synthesis of studies in the field of consumer psychology, social comparison theories, and theories of personal identification. Results. The study identified that the primary factors of impulsive purchases are the desire for social recognition, media influence, low self-esteem, and the need for immediate gratification. Young individuals frequently resort to buying luxury items for a temporary enhancement of their social status or to compensate for internal dissatisfaction. Conclusions. Theoretical analysis and synthesis of various theoretical approaches and concepts revealed that impulsive purchasing of luxury items is a complexly structured phenomenon that involves both external (social, cultural) and internal (psychological, emotional) motives. Meanwhile, social factors such as status, prestige, and brand identity are key determinants of such purchases. The development prospects of this issue lie in integrating social, cultural, and psychological approaches to understand and effectively resolve the problems of impulsive purchases by contemporary youth. Special attention should also be given to aspects of mental health, as low self-esteem and feelings of inner dissatisfaction are critical factors that contribute to impulsive purchasing.</p> Anzhelika Volodymyrivna Kollу-Shamne , Volodymyr Mykhailovych Sokolovskyi Copyright (c) Fri, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000